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Turn any WordPress Page into a YouTube or Vimeo Video Gallery


> Here’s an updated blog post on the latest version of the WordPress video gallery plugin. <

Workbox’s WordPress video plugin lets you show multiple thumbnails from YouTube or Vimeo videos on a single page, then plays the videos right on the same page. You can add as many videos as you like, and customize titles, descriptions, order and more.

Here’s the plugin:

> http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/workbox-video-from-vimeo-youtube-plugin/

Here’s our sample page (no formatting done): http://www.workbox.com/test-video-plugin/

Here’s how it looks on UC Santa Cruz’s Grow A Farmer website (http://www.growafarmer.org/videos/):

Grow a farmer YouTube and Vimeo videos

You’ll notice that it shows both YouTube and Vimeo videos.

How it works:

1. To add a video to a page: -> WordPress Admin panel -> Videos -> Add New
2. Enter the URL of the video (for example: http://vimeo.com/30967973 or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IytNBm8WA1c), title and description.
3. The plugin analyzes your video to see if it’s a YouTube or a Vimeo file.
4. The plugin requests the video from YouTube or Vimeo via API.
5. YouTube returns data in XML format. Vimeo returns jSon encoded data.
6. The plugin parses the returned data to get the video file, the title, the tags and the thumbnail.
7. The thumbnails are automatically sized and the video is served in a Lightbox.


Here’s what the admin interface looks like.

First, the video listing and sort order page interface:

wordpress video listing interface

The specific video addition and information page:


To install the Workbox WordPress video plugin:

Download the plugin, put it into the Plugins directory on your server, then activate it in the Plugins page of the Admin panel. Then go to Options and select which page you want to put the video gallery in.

Video tutorial: http://youtu.be/rtuA4XQQRbo

Spanish translation by Andrew at WebHostingHub

The post Turn any WordPress Page into a YouTube or Vimeo Video Gallery appeared first on Workbox.

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